Friday, 10 February 2017

Final Poster

Here is the new poster design. It has been hard work reaching this point and having our final Film poster, however a lot of progress had been made! A different layout was chosen and a new image was taken! We decided the main focus of the poster would be the protagonist but also include images of the other characters using snip its from the film, I think the poster has a fantastic layout including the title and extra text details!

Final Magazine

This is our final magazine, I am very pleased with the result as I feel a lot of time and effort has been put in place to create this. It links with my other anciallry task which was a film poster and also links with my trailer. All of the three productions present the genre and theme succesfully together!

Thursday, 9 February 2017

Magazine Layout

To establish a great final magazine a lot of planning will need to take place. This image is the first digital draft made on PowerPoint it shows the different parts that will be included on the magazine and what will be placed in this different sections of the magazine.