Monday, 20 June 2016

Beauty And The Beast (2017) Teaser Trailer Analysis

The teaser trailer for the 2017 modern version of  Disney's Beauty & The Beast gives the audiences a brief insight into the new film.

* Immediately we are aware of the genre as its presented with the institutional logo of Disney recognisable to all audiences. Therefore the genre would be a magical fairy tale theme, fit for many audiences older Disney lovers and a younger audience also.

*Throughout the cinematography is cutting between scenes of the castle that we saw at the beginning of the opening, the shots are slow matching the digetic  tranquil tone. Then when it starts to get clearer for the audience who have previously seen the original film music from the original film also begins so the instantly reminisce on their childhood memories of the film.

 *Then suddenly the film created a dark element with a quick cut to a dark screen suggesting its not all happiness. With eerie voices without a face. Again previous audiences would recognise saying and their accents.

*As the darkness goes a red rose appears a  familiar symbol for the film which then focus on a famous character Emma Watson in the background suggested to be the antagonist 'Belle'.

* Final titles then appear showing the date it is out, therefore teasing the audiences and building excitement for them to watch it, also for marketing purposes used a hashtag '#beourguest' a famous line from the film encouraging audiences to take to social media to promote the film.

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