Thursday, 29 September 2016

Shot list: Alice in Wonderland 2010

0:13- Long shot of Disney Logo (the castle)
0:16- Long shot of old classic house (first setting of trailer)
0:17- Medium shot of protagonist Alice
0:19- Low angle over the shoulder shot, over Alice's shoulder
0:21- Long shot, straight on angle of Alice and male character
0:22- Medium shot, straight on angle of Alice and male character
0:24- High angle, close up of male character
0:25- Low angle, close up shot of Alice
0:27- POV shot showing people at the party watching Alice
0:29- Cut to POV of people at the party's point watching Alice straight on angle
0:31- Medium shot of Alice being the main focus with characters in the background
0:32-Close up shot of Alice with slight low angle
0:34- Quick panning shot of Alice running past
0:36- Jump-cuts to where she has run to long shot of Alice
0:37- Low angle shot from inside a hole of Alice
0:38- Medium shot from behind Alice looking down into the hole
0:39- Same low angle as (0:37) but more close up to Alice
0:41- POV shot from Alice falling down the hole
0:42- Low angle shot as the camera is positioned underneath Alice watching her fall
0:44- Switches to the POV of Alice still falling
0:48- Close up shot of Alice opening a door
0:50- Extreme longshot of spooky castle with clouds and mountains beside
0:52- High angle shot of new characers tweedle dee and tweedle dum and the rabbit
0:55- Long shot of the Queen of Hearts
0:57- Close up shot of the Cheshire cat
1:00- Long shot of abandoned looking house

From this I have established and gained understanding of what types of shot I will need to include in my trailer to ensure its a successful one, I've learnt  that I would need around one/two shots per second using a variation of shots. Also show different characters however the protagonist the most so this is easy for the audience to notice immediately.

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