Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Spring Breakers (2013) Poster Analysis

In this film poster  for’ Spring Breakers’ features four girls wearing bikinis, provocatively positioned around the ‘gangster’ male character in the background. The mise en scene includes guns, suggesting violence and giving the audience a wider theme of crime and rebellion. Vibrancy and excitement is shown through . The title is written in a firework-like font, which may symbolise a party. The man is fully clothed and has sunglasses on, serving as a binary opposite to the girls, as while they are all very explicit and revealing, the man’s identity is hidden and covered up. The fact that the girls are young and are stood next to a clearly older man, renders them vulnerable and naive. The man’s gun represents his power and domineering nature over the girls foreboding how he may have control and power over the girls in the film, clearly negative. Straight away from looking at the poster it is revealed that the film will include crime and deviance because of the mise en scene and positioning and also the font. From this poster I would like to take the vibrant colours and font style for my movie poster as it suggests chick flick immediately for the target audience looking for exactly that.

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