Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Audience Research

For me and my co-worker Emma audience research we used survey monkey this allowed to ask a wide range of people questions that had multiple answers getting very accurate and detailed answers. I wish to post these questions also on social media to get my peers feedback in the near future.

The first question included is great to find out how many people would actually be watching out trailer and if they are effective, there is a divide between very likely and likely therefore it is essential for a trailer to be promoted before a film is introduced to the cinema and this will be for audience to have some idea of the films narrative giving them a chance to decide if they want to see the film.

This was a great question to identify how much the audience really want to know, do they like to know the whole plot or just snip picks of it...the answer is a lot of the narrative. Therefore I have a definite answer that this is the best route to go down and to produce a theatrical trailer instead of a teaser.

Due to the fact that many Christmas films include voice overs as they are traditional I included this question. From the results I am not ruling out totally a voice over as not many people agreed compared to disagree however I want to appeal to audiences so more research on this will be needed.

From my last question I wanted to get an understanding of what doesn't work therefore knowing what to avoid in creating my trailer especially if it stops audiences going to watch the film. Surprisingly more people said No to this question which reveals people do give second chances to films and want to see for themselves. However some people did challenge this so to avoid this we must ensure we do everything that makes a trailer successful and research those that have been unsuccessful and their reasons.

I intend to do more audience research such as on Facebook or on Twitter to get my peers advice and a wider audiences also through the share button. This isn't enough audience research so far to know exactly what to include and exclude therefore I am looking forward to finding some more!

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