Monday, 14 November 2016

Location Research

There will be many locations featured in my film trailer as I intend to present a montage of shots and moving images on different Christmas locations that my audience will recognise, its unclear to me what order my shots will go in until I begin filming and editing my film to see what looks best.

My first location for my film will be the Harrods store in London. This is great location for the montage of images as at Christmas time the store it lite up and the surrounding area is extremely busy as everyone is Christmas shopping.

Another location would be Winter Wonderland also in London, another fantastic location as its only there for the Christmas period so fits great with our genre.

My third location will be a Santa's Grotto, I intend to film this at Wood cote nurseries as they have a spectacular display of Santa's grotto with reindeer's!

A very chirstmassy location would be a church as Christmas is all about Christianity so we intend, with permission to film Christmas carollers there is also an alternative Church in Cheam Village were the choir from my school will be singing Carols.

Carnaby Street during the Christmas period would be perfect location for our film, its full of life and decorations, a great clip for our montage of footage.

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