Monday, 14 November 2016

Location Recce

Additional details
Winter Wonderland – Hyde Park

 For this location to be effective in our trailer has to be filmed in the evening as the atmosphere will be more lively.
Date Required

This is once the event it open to the public
Do you need permission to record/photograph in this location?
Who will you need to contact?
No, no permission is needed as it is a public event with no entry fee or tickets needed. There will be many filming and pictures there as it is a tourist attraction and very popular.
Will the levels of noise cause a problem?
If so, how will you overcome this?
The noise levels will be high as it is a very popular attraction however we are intending to put our own music over the top as these scenes are a part of the montage of Christmas clips.
Is the level of lighting suitable?
The level of lighting will be fine for this footage as it needs to be dark atmosphere. Lighting will occur with rides and Christmas lights which will be the main focus.
To prevent the footage being unsuitable and not for use a light will accompany my crew to ensure different takes can be done with different lighting.
If inside, are the Emergency exits clearly visible and available?
Is Emergency equipment provided?
Yes throughout the park there are various fire exits allocated around the site due to the large capacity of people that are there, there is more than one – so in the event of a fire, the fire exits will be clearly evident.
My crew and I will not be taking fire equipment with us however as this is a large event there will be health and safety people there that will have equipment in the event of an emergency.
Is there public transport easily available to you?
Yes the train and tubes take me and my crew directly with a small fee.

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